Ready to Start Your Health Journey? Here are some of my best tips.

This month I got to spend some time talking to Julie, a writer at Eat Up New York. I shared my journey and story with her, and I let her know some of my favorite tips for New Yorkers who want to start focusing on their health. But I’ll let you in on a little secret, even though New Yorkers are a special breed, these tips apply to everyone 🙂

Here they are my tips straight from the interview. You can check out the whole article here

#1. My number one piece of advice is to be gentle with yourself. So many times we try to make changes by making ourselves wrong, depriving ourselves or condemning ourselves. Over the long run, this causes more harm than good. It takes time to make changes, and that’s totally ok. I like to remind my clients to take it one step at a time and to remember to acknowledge their progress, not just focus on the setbacks.

#2. Eat those veggies! Fill half your plate with vegetables at lunch and dinner and I guarantee you fill start to feel lighter and have more energy.

#3. Up those greens. Green vegetables are the universes gift to mankind. You don’t need to go on a juice cleanse to detoxify (you can if you want to!), just add greens to your everyday diet. They are natural detoxifiers that will improve your energy, skin, immune system and overall health.

What are your favorite health tips for someone just starting out on their journey to health?

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